ThinkTech was formerly known as the student initiative ConsciousCoders, initiated by Lukas Pöhler, Markus Dosch and Anna Erlenkamp in 2018. Becoming increasingly interdisciplinary with a growing amount of team members from various backgrounds – such as Philosophy, Arts and Business – ConsciousCoders evolved into the NGO ThinkTech e.V., which was officially founded in November in 2019. ThinkTech’s content work takes place in Topic Groups where interdisciplinary teams of our Fellows initiate and realise specific projects, ranging from conducting original research over developing technical solutions to providing sound information and advice to policy makers and the interested public.
The Executive Board governs the work of ThinkTech, ensures the resources for its operations, and represents our association. The Executive Board formally meets once a month to conduct the organisation’s business. Its current members are Alexander Ladwein (Executive Director), Louis Longin (Academic Director), Julius Morandell (Director of Finance), and Julia Pfeiffer (Director of Operations and Human Resources).
The Supervisory Board appoints, monitors, and advises ThinkTech’s Executive Board, guiding our organisation by its founding principles. Decisions of fundamental importance for the association need the Supervisory Board’s prior approval. Its members are elected for a two-year period by the General Assembly of ThinkTech’s Fellows. The current members of the Supervisory Board are Dominik Dahlhaus (Chairman), Gunnar König, and Chiara Ullstein.
Independence and Non-Profit Status
ThinkTech is a politically neutral non-governmental organisation. We are committed to the independence and autonomy of ThinkTech’s projects and do not accept funding that is conditioned upon conducting research in a particular manner, achieving a particular result, or taking a predetermined position.
ThinkTech is a registered and recognized nonprofit association for the promotion of science, research, and education (§ 52 Abs. 2 Satz 1 Nrn. 1, 7 AO). Donations, grants, and other funds may only be accepted and applied for the purposes designated in the association’s statutes.
Valentin Schrader, Florian von Keller, Gunnar König, Chiara Ullstein, Lukas Pöhler, Annabelle Bockwoldt
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